ABB | Acciona | ACOR | ADG Consulting Engineers | AECOM | Agonis | Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise | Allcon Group | Alliance | ALS Engineering | Alternative Engineering | Arcadis | ARRB | Arup | Asset Management Council | Aurecon | AusTraffic | Austroads | AusTunnel | Axis Communications | BAE Systems | BECA | Bentley Systems | BHP Billiton | Boral | Bosch | Bouygues Construction | Caterpillar | Cavotec Australia | CB&I | CBC Australia | CBRE | Central Park, Cintra, Civcon Civil and Project Management | Civforce Traffic Management | Civil Contractors Federation | Clayton UTZ | CLOUGH | Coffey | Complex Civil | CPB Contractors | Crown Engineering, Decmil | Deloitte | Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities | Department of Planning and Environment | Department of Transport and Main Roads, | Downer | East Link, | ESDR | ESRI Australia | EtherWAN Systems | Evolution Traffic Control | EY, FLUOR | Fulton Hogan | GHD | Glenelg Shire Council | Golder | GPT | Gunlake | Hanson | Harcor | Hatch | Holcim | Hume Contracting, | IESANZ, | Infrastructure Australia | Infrastructure Victoria | Intelligent Transport Systems Australia | Interlink | Isuzu | Jacobs | John Holland | Juniper Networks | KBR | Keolis Downer | Knight Frank | KPMG | Laing O’Rouke | Land Development Agency | Launceston City Council | Lawn Solutions Australia | LendLease | Maca Civil | MACA Infrastructure | Macquarie Bank | Main Roads WA | Manly Council | Matrix Traffic and Transport Data | McConnell Dowell | Melbourne - City of Melbourne, Melbourne City Council | Metromix | Metronet | Mirvac Group | MJ Civil Engineering, NCC, | North East Link Authority | NRMA, Parking Australia | Parks Victoria, | Plenary | Porter Hire | Prime Traffic Solutions | PremiAir | Pronto Concrete | Public Transport Authority | Queensland Department of Transport, | Real Asset Management | Reino | Rider Levett Bucknall | Road Marking Industry Association of Australia | Roads & Maritime Services | Roads Australia | Safer Roads Traffic Management,| Scentre Group | Secure Parking | South Gippsland Shire Council | Stockland | Surveying and Spacial Science Institute | Sydney - City of Sydney, Sydney Airport Corporation | Sydney Motorway Corporation | Thales | Theiss | Toll | Traffex | Traffic Management Association | Transport for NSW | Transurban | Turnbull Engineering | Uber | UbiPark | UGL Engineering | University of Sydney | Urban Taskforce | VicRoads | Victorian Planning Authority | Victorian Transport Association | Watpac | WestConnex | Westfield | Wilson Parking | WorleyParsons | Xidium | York Civil